domenica 21 aprile 2013


Oggi vi propongo qualche automa che è passato alla storia e che rappresentano senza ombra di dubbio i primi passi dell'uomo verso l'idea di intelligenza artificiale:

Anonimo, Jaquemarts, 1480 ca., orologio musicale, 80 x 40 x 30 cm, Nationaal Museum van Speelklok Tot Pierement, Utrecht

"A jacquemart (sometimes spelled "Jaquemart") is an automaton, an animated, mechanised figure of a person, usually made from wood or metal, which strikes the hours on a bell with a hammer. Jacquemarts are usually part of clocks or clocktowers, and are often near or at the top of the construction. The figurine is also known as Jack of the Clock or Jack o'Clock."  (WIKIPEDIA)

Gli automi di Jaquet-Droz


                                                                 IL DISEGNATORE


Una loro descrizione

Christian Bailly, L’oiseleur, 2000, automa musicale, 120 x 80 x 80 cm, Collezione privata
Christophe Carisey

This doll holds a flute in one hand, and a bird in another; he blows the “Marche des Rois” by Georges Bizet to the flute and moves his fingers on it, while the birds sing and move their heads and wings. But no electricity or magic is involved in here – the doll is set in motion thanks to a golden key that winds the spring-driven cogs and gears.

Fréderic Vidoni, Anas Méchanica Arcana. Hommage au ‘Canard’ de Jacques de Vaucanson (1709-1782), 1997, rame dorato e componenti meccaniche, Musée des Automates, Grenoble

L’anatra di Vaucanson, capace di beccare, deglutire, digerire – seppur con un procedimento solo meccanico – e defecare una mistura di grano e acqua


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